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Wakefield District Volunteer Celebration Event Roundup

Wakefield District Volunteer Celebration Event Roundup

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Wakefield District Volunteer Managers Network held a Celebration Event on 7 June for Volunteers' Week! Here's how it went...

12 organisations from the Volunteer Managers Network joined us to thank their fantastic volunteers and get people talking about volunteering! It was a brilliant day with lots of conversations about the value of volunteering.

Three people are stood around a table that has a range of leaflets on and pink and purple balloons above it. Behind the table are some tall banners, displayed as part of the Wakefield District Volunteer Celebration  Event.

The volunteers who attended received a little thank you gift for their contribution to supporting local communities across Wakefield District, and one lucky volunteer won the prize draw! We spoke to so many volunteers and their passion for the local organisations they support was inspiring.

Thank you to all the organisations and volunteers who attended!

People stood around stalls, talking to organisations, at Junction 32 for the Volunteer Celebration event.

If you'd like to get involved with similar events or speak to VCSE colleagues who support volunteers, join the Volunteer Managers Network. It's a friendly monthly meeting where we share best practice, provide information and host workshops. Register to attend the next meeting!

People stood around a woman at a volunteering stall at the Volunteer Celebration Event.
Jun 13, 2023