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VCSE Voices: What does it mean to advocate for the VCSE sector in the current climate?

VCSE Voices: What does it mean to advocate for the VCSE sector in the current climate?

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"Always go to the table feeling like you've got just as much to give"

Kim Shutler joined our VCSE Voices Network last week, giving honest reflections on what it means to advocate for the VCSE sector in the current climate.

Kim's shared insights from her experience as the VCSE representative at the West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership, prompting lots of important discussions with our Advocates and VCSE colleagues. Some key points were around:

  • How to position ourselves as an integral part of meeting the challenges in health and care
  • The reality of delivering commissioned work, with the requirements to collect data and how we could do this differently
  • Understanding the structures we're advocating in

Kim shared that "my favourite park of this week was meeting this room of VCSE advocates from Wakefield. Passionate people keen to learn about West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership, how it relates to place and how they can best influence as advocates."

We're surrounded by so many dedicated and knowledgeable people in Wakefield District, it's always a joy to bring them together at our VCSE Voices Network. What a brilliant turn out for this meeting at the Red Roof Centre, with over 30 Advocates and VCSE colleagues!

Anna Blight from Pontefract Reads, one of the VCSE Advocates on The Early Years Strategic Partnership Board, said...

What an amazing speaker! I took away that when you're in a strategic board meeting advocating for the voluntary sector, think "What do they care about that will make them listen..." to me. Then frame your solution to this. Also, watch who is being listened to and work out why.

Want to make your voice heard? Get involved with our VCSE Voices project now.

May 29, 2024