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The youth mental health crisis

The youth mental health crisis

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​​How are charities coping with a rise in children and young people seeking mental health support?

"Young people’s mental health is facing an unprecedented storm of pressures and crises, with charities often providing vital shelter. With demand for NHS mental health services at record highs and waiting times for NHS treatment varying significantly across the UK, children and young people are increasingly being left at the mercy of the postcode lottery. For those left behind, charities provide a vital lifeline."

How are charities responding to the rising mental health needs of children and young people? And how can funders better support the charity sector as it grapples with unprecedented demand?

This paper from NPC aims to chart the current landscape by exploring these questions and providing some answers.  

Drawing on their research into youth mental health over the past 15 years, NPC have identified six key areas where funders have the potential to create long-term positive change for children and young people:

  1. Preventative work and early intervention.
  2. Supporting children from minoritised groups.
  3. Building and diversifying the mental health workforce.
  4. Funding research on what works.
  5. Enabling collaboration across the mental health sector.
  6. Exploring a systems-based approach to funding.

Keep reading.

Jul 1, 2024