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Space to Thrive Report

Space to Thrive Report

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Locality's new report explores role of community spaces in supporting the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people across England.

It comes as part of our ongoing work as a member of the government’s VCSE Health and Wellbeing Alliance (HW Alliance) – representing community organisations in the development of policy to tackle health inequalities.

Locality found that community spaces which support children and young people's mental health and wellbeing come in all shapes and sizes. They offer a low- or no-cost, depressurised, safe, and relaxed “third space” for children and young people, away from school and home life.

But, they are facing multiple challenges in sustaining their space and provision.

Based on these findings, Locality present 10 recommendations for the health system and VCSE sector, including at Primary Care Network, Integrated Care System, local authority, and national level. 

Read the report.

Apr 10, 2023