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Register your space on the Warm Welcome Map

Register your space on the Warm Welcome Map

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The Warm Welcome Campaign exists to turn poverty and isolation into warmth and welcome through the power of local Spaces made by and for the community.

Their map allows people to search for Warm Welcome Spaces near them by entering their postcode. There are currently around 1,500 spaces on the map, with more joining every day and this is gaining media coverage.

If you're running a space that is warm, welcoming, free and safe, register your location with the Warm Welcome map. 

Don’t worry if you don’t have all the details yet, you can log back in and update your space and add more details at any time, but it really helps the Warm Welcomes team to know where and when spaces are planning on running in advance.

Register your space, and please pass this on to any local groups that are running warm spaces near you.

You can find social media images that you're welcome to use here.

Oct 16, 2023