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Projects funded by Live Well Wakefield Small Grants

Projects funded by Live Well Wakefield Small Grants

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Learn about the amazing projects making a difference within communities across Wakefield District...


Back in February, we invited applications from voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations for the first round of Live Well Wakefield Small Grants funding in 2022 (Round 11).

VCSE organisations of all sizes have the local knowledge, skills and drive to address many of the issues faced by our communities. Many people may visit their GP or other medical professionals looking for some solutions, and a social prescription could be an important part of that. So as part of this fund, we were looking for groups and activities that would accept referrals for individuals signposted from their GP and build capacity and strength within communities.

Around £114,000 has been awarded to organisations for some amazing projects and activities across Wakefield District, here are some of them:

Empath Action CIC -

The Man in the Moon: A Community Rising

“The Man in the Moon: A Community Rising” will engage with a group of LGBTQIA+ identifying young adults from Wakefield with an interest in the Arts, and bring them together to professionally stage the play “The Man in the Moon”.

Over the course of a year, young practitioners will learn about theatre writing, acting and more. Every step of the way, they will work with Empath Action CIC to learn new skills and grow their self-confidence. As they promote The Man in the Moon, practitioners will also enjoy training on how to communicate authentically and safely through social media thanks to Empath Action CIC’s partnership with Community Media CIC.

This will culminate in four co-created live performances of The Man in the Moon. A rich, folklore-inspired story, grounded in the real-world issue of LGBTQIA youth homelessness, will help spread awareness while entertaining the people of the Wakefield district.

How to contact Empath Action CIC: They are happy to be contacted at any time. Please email, and they will get back to you as soon as they can.

MJ Languages Polish Community Centre CIC

Community Language Support

MJ Languages - Polish Community Centre CIC provides language support in a language pair: English <=> Polish in two ways: interpreting and translation. The translation is available only as a general translation (non-certified translation). Language support is provided over the phone (including 3-way calls), online (including live chat) and face to face (including home visits - only if the customer will not be able to come to our centre and support over the phone/online will not be possible) - the best way to provide support will be chosen depending on the case.

As a part of this project, MJ Languages - Polish Community Centre CIC also offer language support for the other organisations in Wakefield District which provide support for vulnerable customers with the language barrier who can speak the Polish language.

The members of the following communities might be able to understand and speak the Polish language: Czech & Slovak & Ukrainian (most members), Latvian & Lithuanian (some of the members).

Contact details:

Tel: 01924 365644
Live Chat:

Humanity 1st

Humanity 1st was set up by people who are passionate about making long-term improvements in people’s lives within the deprived area of Wakefield district, with particular emphasis on supporting, engaging, and working with women from different background through their excellent networks.

Humanity 1st will be empowering and supporting women from the Black and Minoritized communities that are clearly identified by all as disadvantaged. Humanity 1st aim to boost their self-worth, give them the ability to determine their own choice and the right to influence social changes for themselves and others around them. Basically, give them hope and encouragement to feel they belong and that they can explore and be an effective and influential part of Wakefield community.

Humanity 1st will be running a healthy eating club, social inclusion talks, women gardening and more for women in the BAME community. All in, the physical exercise and gardening project will give opportunities to the women to bond with nature and develop friendship.

You can contact Humanity 1st by emailing

Mindful Movers – Lift Off

This project builds on Mindful Movers CORE run walk talk offer. The focus is to offer people living with emotional wellbeing difficulties opportunity to access accredited qualifications delivered by people with lived experience, building on the positive peer support environment Mindful Movers is known for.

Lift Off will offer a range of qualifications from Awards to Level 1 and Level 2 accredited programmes. All of which will build transferable skills such as confidence, leadership, team work, communication and problem solving.

Moving back into education, training or employment can be a huge leap for those who have / are experiencing emotional wellbeing difficulties. Mindful Movers will offer a safe and inclusive first step for participants, where they can access practical focused qualifications delivering transferable skills. The foundations laid down by these qualifications becomes the platform for participants to move onto new opportunities. To Lift Off to new horizons.

For more information email:

Disability Sport Yorkshire - Improve your health and wellbeing

With Summer around the corner, now is a time to think about improving your health and well-being. From the beginning of June, the team at Denhale Active Recreation Centre will be launching opportunities for those with a long-term health conditions, disabilities, and older people to improve their health and well-being. Support will be provided by a small group of staff and volunteers from the point of contact to ensure everyone has the information and reassurance to join in.

Disability Sport Yorkshire offer a safe and welcoming environment with a small group of like-minded people. The twelve sessions will include social activities and will be aimed at encouraging people to move more through gentle exercise and to learn about other ways in which to improve their health and well-being. There will be no charge for the sessions.

For more information contact Wayne Ball on 01924 372382 Mobile 07342688779 or by email

Crofton Connect

Crofton Connect is a Church inspired project open to all to participate and lead. It is an equal project in which they do not distinguish the nature of those there and aim that participants play a lead role.

Toddlers & Toast

This is a weekly two-hour session giving the opportunity of mums, grandmas and all other carers to bring their under school age children to meet up and chat over a cup of coffee and toast. Crofton is a changing village from a mining community to dormitory town where young families move in without the local family networks around them.This gives them the opportunity to develop their local networks and the children develop their social skills before starting formal education.

It is held at Crofton Working Men’s Club, Slack Lane. For more details and referrals: Lesley Sellens.  Tel: 863929.Email:

Men’s Breakfast

This is a monthly session for men to meet up over a full English breakfast and hopefully develop new friendships.It has been found there is much social isolation where due to bereavement or declining health men can become increasingly social isolated. This is an equal event open to all where we do not distinguish from men who may need support to those who can offer it.We find many participants are both.

It is held at Crofton Church, Stock Lane. For more details and referrals: Richard Sellens.  Tel: 863929 Email:

Community Cafe

This was set up to meet a perceived need for people who live alone or who are lonely, to get together for refreshments and to meet others from the community for a chat. The aim was to help build community spirit in Crofton. It is open to anyone who wants to come along and regularly gets around 30 attendees.

It is held at Crofton Civic Parish Centre, High Street. For more details: Richard Sellens. Tel: 863929 Email:

Apr 28, 2022

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