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Preventing suicide: Communication, support and follow-up

Preventing suicide: Communication, support and follow-up

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Watch the short film created for health and care staff, including VCSE colleagues.

A short film (nine minutes) called ‘Preventing suicide: communication, support and follow up’ has been produced by people with lived experience of being impacted by suicide, where they speak directly to health and care staff about their experiences to share good practice.

Three shorter films have also been produced which break the content of the main film down into separate themes: communication, support and follow-up. A downloadable PowerPoint presentation discussion guide has also been created, as a helpful resource to use when sharing. Please visit the suicide prevention microsite for more detail on project, including links to each film and the PowerPoint discussion guide.

The film is relevant for all who work in health and care – please share via your channels.

"Staff Suicide Prevention training and Staff Mental Health and Wellbeing Hub saved me"

An anonymous staff member at the West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership has bravely opened up to share their mental health journey in which they credit the West Yorkshire Suicide Prevention website, Staff Mental Health and Wellbeing Hub and attending staff suicide prevention training sessions as having saved their life. Read the full blog post here.

For more resources visit the Check-In website.

Jun 13, 2023