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Mapping Migrant Services in Wakefield District

Mapping Migrant Services in Wakefield District

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Wakefield District Public Health are undertaking a Migrant Health Needs Assessment to better understand the health and wellbeing needs of migrants living in the district, and their experience of accessing health services.

For the purpose of this work, migrants could be anyone currently living in the Wakefield District who was born overseas, for example, asylum seekers, refugees, people arriving as part of resettlement schemes, economic migrants, family migrants, student migrants or undocumented migrants.

This survey will be one aspect of Public Health's work to capture the range of services currently on offer for migrants within the district.

They are interested to hear from organisations who provide universal services which are used by the migrant community, as well as organisations which provide migrant-specific services.

More detailed information about the Council's handling of your personal data can be found in its privacy policy.

Public Health want to capture the whole scope of activity for migrant communities in Wakefield District, if there is an organisation, project, or person who might want to fill our the survey please forward it to them.


If you have any issue with the survey or feedback you’d like to offer please email

Nov 15, 2023