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Introducing VCSE Voices!

Introducing VCSE Voices!

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Our new project recruiting senior leaders from the VCSE sector onto multi-agency, decision-making boards.

We have three main areas of work at Nova, one of them being "providing an important voice for the sector, increasing influence and giving appropriate representation". The aim is that the VCSE sector is fully represented at every level of decision making, working in collaboration and promoting diversity.

Nova currently provides much of this representation, but we've been working to transform this. Introducing...

VCSE Voices

This exciting new project will see newly selected VCSE Advocates attend strategic meetings across the district, providing opportunity for leadership and governance whilst ensuring that a VCSE voice influences policy that directly affects the sector.

Through an open-access recruitment process, VCSE Advocates will be matched to boards. Alongside attending meetings, Advocates will receive a package of support from Nova to provide continued development. This will include taking part in peer support session with other Advocates.

VCSE Advocates will communicate information from meetings back into the sector to support transparent, collaborative and well-connected working.

We recognise the expertise and time commitment provided by Advocates and therefore, VCSE Advocates will be paid positions. This both reflects the value of VCSE sector contribution and will give opportunities to organisations that otherwise may not be able to participate.

We'll be conducting consultation with the sector over the next few months to ensure that the project is co-produced and meets the needs of the sector. Several positions are being recruited in areas such as health, children and young people, and community safety.

Keep an eye on the VCSE Voices page and upcoming events for info about getting involved.

Nov 21, 2022