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Improving NHS and VCSE involvement in Emergencies 

Improving NHS and VCSE involvement in Emergencies 

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The Voluntary Partnerships team at NHS England are looking to improve their framework for commissioning the Voluntary and Community Sector in emergencies.

The Voluntary Partnerships team at NHS England are looking to improve their framework for commissioning the Voluntary and Community Sector in emergencies, in a way that can be funded quickly and easily and can be ringfenced to a specific emergency rather than a cheaper alternative to a staffed workforce. They are keen to use real evidence from VCS partners to demonstrate areas in which the sector is already supporting the NHS, and the areas in which there are currently problems that the VCS could support in. 

NHS England would like to hear more about: 

  • What are the gaps you, or organisations in your network, are filling in to support the NHS?   
  • Are you commissioned or contracted to do that, or acting independently?   
  • How is any emergency support procured, what is the process and any issues you face in that? 

Please contact Carrie McKenzie with your experiences at

Jan 19, 2023