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Improve your health & wellbeing through self-help workshops

Improve your health & wellbeing through self-help workshops

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Live Well Wakefield, working in partnership with Nova, offer a range of short, free workshops and longer courses to help you improve or maintain your general health and wellbeing.

The courses are specifically for anyone living with or caring for someone with a long-term health condition of any kind and can help you improve the quality of your life. The simple wellbeing workshops are ideal for anyone just wanting to learn new skills to feel healthier and happier!

Live Well Wakefield also offer a 6-week course and some short workshops for those recovering from Post Covid syndrome (or “Long Covid”) and everything is self-referral.

Visit Live Well Wakefield's website pages to see what’s available and get in touch with them to book a place.

At present, all the short workshops run on-line using a free app which you can access from home via a smartphone. Several face-to-face courses will be running soon in some of our communities, so see the website for more updates.

Feb 7, 2023