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Help Through the Cost of Living Crisis

Help Through the Cost of Living Crisis

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Free financial wellbeing support is available for everyone working and volunteering in health & social care in Wakefield District.

Wakefield District Health and Care Partnership published a People Plan which defines their objectives to ensure that Wakefield has a confident, motivated workforce and the skills, values and behaviours to undertake their roles.

As part of this Plan, WD HCP asked staff and volunteers about their health and wellbeing priorities and the the greatest emphasis was placed on financial wellbeing. They have shared these resources that are available for everyone working and volunteering in health and social care in Wakefield District, including in the VCSE sector:

Free financial advice and resources at the Staff Wellbeing Hub.

Money Buddies

Are you struggling or short on money? Are you being chased by companies to repay your debts? Are bailiffs taking action? Are you struggling to pay your bills? Need help with benefits?

With Money Buddies, you have access to free expert legal advice and support which has proven to stop people chasing clients for debts.

You'll not feel alone with a money buddy by your side.

To book an appointment or for further information, please complete the link:

Call now on 0113 2350276 or email

Our website can be translated into many languages

Charity Reg. Number: 1051368 Company Reg. Number: 3061633

Sep 25, 2023