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Have Your Say: Consultation on ward boundaries for Wakefield Council

Have Your Say: Consultation on ward boundaries for Wakefield Council

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Today is the start of a 10 - week public consultation inviting proposals for new council wards and ward boundaries for Wakefield.

This consultation will close on 29 January 2024.

After the Local Government Boundary Commission for England have considered all representations made to them during this consultation, they intend to publish draft recommendations in May 2024.

They will then hold a further period of consultation on the draft recommendations. Final recommendations are expected to be published in October 2024.

The new electoral arrangements will come into effect at the local elections in 2026.

If you represent a local organisation or community group in Wakefield, please pass this message on to your members or anyone who you think might be interested in the review.

What is an electoral review?

This electoral review will recommend new electoral arrangements for Wakefield. It will propose:

  • the total number of councillors elected to the council in the future;
  • the number of wards;
  • the number of councillors representing each ward;
  • ward boundaries; and
  • the names of wards.

How to get involved

This is a public consultation and LGBCE welcome views from individuals and organisations across Wakefield on where they think new ward boundaries should be drawn. There is more advice on their website about how you can get involved in the consultation.

LGBCE welcome comments:

  • Through our website
  • By email to
  • Or in writing to Review Officer (Wakefield), Local Government Boundary Commission for England, PO Box 133, Blyth, NE24 9FE
Nov 21, 2023