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Green Doctor Support: For You & For Residents

Green Doctor Support: For You & For Residents

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Green Doctor offer free independent energy advice and we've got some information to share about how this can help your VCSE organisation and residents.

For Residents

Groundwork’s Green Doctors help residents stay warm, stay well, and save money on household bills. They tailor their support to needs of individuals and groups, working together with translators/support workers/ family members to ensure that advice/guidance is understood and relevant to circumstances. 

Through home visits, telephone appointments or attending community groups, Green Doctors can help households to:

  • take control of their energy bills,  
  • provide practical solutions to reduce energy costs, 
  • support residents to use their heating system and controls efficiently,  
  • manage damp, mould and condensation,  
  • reduce energy usage and waste and more. 

This can involve installing small measures to help save energy such as: LED lightbulbs/ Draft excluders/reflective radiator panels and provide Warm packs. As well as completing onward referrals so residents can access other appropriate services, such as grants for boilers & insulation and initiatives available to the residents.  

Eligibility Criteria 

Residents must: 

  • Have a household income of below £30,000
  • Have savings under £16,000

They may also:

  • Be in receipt of benefits 
  • Household member(s) living with Dementia 
  • Have damp, mould, condensation issues 
  • Have energy/water debt 
  • Household member(s) aged over 65 
  • Household member(s) with a mental health condition 
  • Household member(s) with long term health condition 
  • Pregnant household member

Referral information 

Please provide the details about the referral, whether there are any pets in the property, any hearing impairments or other communication needs, mental or physical health concerns. 

Please make sure to gain consent from clients to be referred to the service. 

How to Refer

To refer into the service, please complete the online referral form:  

For any further information, please contact us by phone or by email: 0113 238 0601 

For Your Organisation

Green Doctors can offer different levels of training depending on the need of your organisation. All training offers are fully funded to allow us to offer these services free of charge to community groups and frontline workers. 

Service overview 

Green Doctors can provide a 15-minute service overview for your staff or volunteers to briefly explain what fuel poverty is and the challenges households face, what services they offer, and how to refer into the Green Doctors. 

Community energy advice 

They can also offer energy advice talks for community groups and attend events; these can be a great platform to introduce the service whilst providing basic energy advice. A member of the Green Doctor team can attend one of your community groups to provide a talk or a drop-in session depending on the group's needs. They pride ourselves on tailoring their service to the group or individual needs, so please contact to discuss the requirements of your group. 

At events, Green Doctors can set up a stall, chat to attendees about any worries or concerns around energy use and fuel bills, provide basic energy advise and make a referral for a Green Doctor home visit or telephone advice appointment. 

Fuel Poverty Awareness 

This is a 2.5-hour course to help you understand fuel poverty and the common problems and barriers that those in fuel poverty face, as well as be able to give some basic help and advice. 

The training is usually provided remotely and can be booked through Eventbrite.

For groups of over 15 people, they can provide face to face tailored training. Please contact directly to express interest. 

If you have any questions or require any further information about home visits, training, talks or request attendance at events, please contact

Feb 13, 2024