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Get Involved with Welcome to Wakefield!

Get Involved with Welcome to Wakefield!

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Welcome to Wakefield provides information for those recently arrived or now settled in Wakefield. Find out how you can part of the welcome!

Welcome to Wakefield is a project of Wakefield District City of Sanctuary and Wakefield Council.

The project helps people to feel welcome if they arrive in our area as a visitor, especially if their journey has been long and difficult.

As you'll see, the website shares useful website links, maps for helpful places in Wakefield, and information about free activities. It's a brilliant resource so please share and get involved!

Your organisation can be part of Welcome to Wakefield by displaying a sticker at your venue and sharing information about the project with anyone newly arrived or settled in Wakefield, such as sanctuary seekers. If you can offer a friendly welcome and maybe a hot drink, please get in touch with Wakefield District City of Sanctuary at

Thank you!

Sep 20, 2023