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Free Digital Resources to Support Carers in the Workplace

Free Digital Resources to Support Carers in the Workplace

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Does your organisation work with or employ any carers? We've got some brilliant resources for you to share and use, bought to you by Carers UK in collaboration with Wakefield Council.

A carer is anyone who provides unpaid care for a friend or family member who (due to illness, disability, mental health problems or alcohol and substance issues) cannot cope without their support.

  • 75% of carers in employment worry about continuing to juggle work and care (Carers UK, State of Caring 2022).
  • On average, 600 people a day leave work to care – with over 500,000 people leaving work to provide unpaid care pre-pandemic (Carers UK, Juggling Work and Care).

For Carers

Working carers can go to and use the FREE access code DGTL7298 

The Carers Digital Resource platform provides:

  • FREE access to a range of online resources to help support carers who juggle work and care.
  • The digital resources can support prevention and help carers before they reach crisis point and drop out of work, meaning you retain more of your skilled workers.
  • The majority of the EfC digital resources are downloadable - share them with staff!

For more info contact

For Managers

Managers can access FREE resources to help support and retain carers in your workforce.

Visit and use FREE access code #EFC2344

  • E-learning for staff                
  • E-learning for managers
  • Best practice examples
  • Sample policies & case studies

Employers for Carers has developed a number of toolkits focusing on specific areas to help organisations manage different aspects of work and successfully support working carers.

Download posters with more information here.

Jul 31, 2023