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Do you work with older people? Tell them about the Time for Tea events

Do you work with older people? Tell them about the Time for Tea events

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If people are unsure whether they can claim Pension Credit, or would like to speak to a friendly advisor about other benefits or general money advice, they can come along to one of Age UK’s Time for Tea events between April and June.

Advisors from Citizen’s Advice Wakefield District, WDH, Wakefield Council, and DWP will be attending the events. They can help with Pension Credit, general money advice, or also help you find out what financial support you may be entitled to. The advisors are fully trained and will chat to you without judgement.

Time for Tea events are also a great way for older people to socialise with others in the community.

Please signpost to any older people that your organisation works with.

Find the dates and locations of the events on the Wakefield Council website.

May 17, 2023