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Connecting Locally: New report from NAVCA

Connecting Locally: New report from NAVCA

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Through working with and advocating for communities, and coordinating support, infrastructure organisations (like Nova!) are alleviating the worst impact of the cost of living crisis.

A report from independent research by the Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research at Sheffield Hallam University for NAVCA on local infrastructure was published yesterday. It demonstrates the importance and value of local infrastructure using the lens of the Four Functions of Infrastructure:

  1. leadership and advocacy
  2. partnership and collaboration
  3. capacity building
  4. volunteering

The research paves the way for strategic conversations between local infrastructure, local government, local and national partner organisations, independent funders and policymakers around the role and organisation of infrastructure, and future secure funding for the sector. 

Read more and find the report here:

Nov 25, 2022