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Celebrating 75 years of the NHS and VCSE sector working together

Celebrating 75 years of the NHS and VCSE sector working together

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Today marks 75 years of the NHS and VCSE sector working together, so happy NHS 75!

Charities were a fundamental building block on which our ground-breaking National Health Service was established in 1948, making health and care services free at the point of access to the entire population.

Today, VCSE organisations continue to grow and thrive as a key partner in health and care. We're proud of each and every VCSE organisation creating positive health and wellbeing changes in Wakefield District.

Read more about VCSE Power for NHS 75 here on the West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership website.

Here's a quick look at what we said about Nova's work with members and Live Well Wakefield...

Nova is a local charity that provides a range of services to support, grow and empower a vibrant Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector in Wakefield District, with everything from specialist advice to funding.

Nova has worked with the NHS for many years and we look forward to continuing to collaborate and work in partnership to help people across the District.

Member Spotlights

As a member organisation, Nova is proud to represent a whole host of organisations doing brilliant work for communities across Wakefield. To celebrate this, Nova feature a different member each month in our Member Spotlight!

The spotlights contain great examples of the positive health and wellbeing changes that can come from the work of VCSE organisations, for example:

Live Well Wakefield

Nova and South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust deliver the social wellbeing service, Live Well Wakefield. This innovative and award-winning service supports people aged 18+ to improve their health and wellbeing through social prescribing and supported self-management interventions.

Nova is proud to support a service that has such incredible impact in communities across Wakefield District.

Take a look at their brilliant achievements over the past five years:

Nova Achievements Graphic
Jul 5, 2023

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