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Call for Evidence: Inquiry into prevention in health and social care

Call for Evidence: Inquiry into prevention in health and social care

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This is your opportunity to get involved and suggest what specific issues they should be exploring.

The Health and Social Care Committee is launching a major new inquiry into prevention.

For the first stage of this inquiry, they want to hear from researchers, organisations and individuals interested in or working in preventative healthcare. This is your opportunity to get involved and suggest what specific issues they should be exploring.

Your proposals will be used to help the Committee decide where to focus its attention in subsequent stages of its inquiry: further calls for evidence inviting more detailed submissions from interested stakeholders may then be issued on these topics.

Inquiry proposals should outline in no more than 750 words the nature of the issue that the Committee should explore, why it deserves attention from the Committee now, and how Government policy in this area could be developed or improved.

The deadline for submitting a proposal is 8 February 2023.

Jan 24, 2023