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Bus Reform: Have Your Say!

Bus Reform: Have Your Say!

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West Yorkshire Combined Authority believe the way local buses are run needs to change to achieve our ambitions for better buses in West Yorkshire.

All information, including their questionnaire, can be found on the Your Voice engagement platform page.

This consultation runs until 7 January 2024.

WCYA are hosting five presentation events where you can learn more about the proposals for Bus Reform, how to have your say, and ask any questions. The events will run for 90 minutes and include:

  • Welcome by a local Councillor responsible for transport engagement.
  • Video presentation from the Combined Authority’s Executive Director of Transport – providing an overview of the Bus Reform consultation.
  • Q&As with Combined Authority officers – facilitated by DJS Research

Presentation events dates and times in Wakefield District

Please confirm your attendance as soon as possible. Registration is essential, and spaces are available on a first-come first-served basis.


WYCA will also be hosting some online webinars as part of this consultation. During the webinars you will have the opportunity to hear about the consultation and ask your own questions to the project team.

Webinar dates and times:

If you have any questions or require consultation materials in a different format, you can get in touch with WYCA via:

Please share with your colleagues and anyone you're working with who might like to give feedback to this consultation.

Nov 17, 2023