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A guide for charity trustees on how to govern in a crisis

A guide for charity trustees on how to govern in a crisis

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Brexit, Covid, the cost-of living, climate change, for anyone tasked with managing risk and making decisions, the past few years have felt like one crisis after another.

So much so that the Collins Dictionary chose ‘permacrisis’ as their word of the year for 2022. And yet we see charities adapting, reprioritising, and finding ways to navigate the ever-changing context for their work, while keeping their mission and the communities they serve to the fore.

NPC's trusteeship seminars have been running throughout this period. In the seminar series, they have heard from many organisations about how they have been navigating these crises and from many trustees on what has been an important part of their role during this time. This guide from NPC brings together these learnings, collating key ideas and information for trustees to use.

In a crisis - or whenever there is a change in the external environment - people need change. If charities continue to deliver what they have always delivered, or trustees continue to make decisions in the way they have in the past, there is a risk that the charity will become less relevant, and less impactful. And trustees might not even know this is happening. Many of the themes addressed by trustees in NPC's trusteeship seminar series are ways to guard against this risk.

NPC's new guide for trustees covers the following topics:

  • How to keep focused on your mission
  • How to adapt in fast moving situations
  • How to draw on the right information to make decisions—including combining lived experience with learnt expertise and data
  • How to think about your mission in the context of the wider system

Read more on NPC's website, download the guide and watch the seminars for more.

Aug 10, 2023