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£2.8 million to support the vital work of voluntary, community and hospice care in West Yorkshire

£2.8 million to support the vital work of voluntary, community and hospice care in West Yorkshire

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NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (WY ICB) has agreed further funding of £1.8million for charity led hospices across West Yorkshire and £1 million of support for its local voluntary, community, and social enterprise (VCSE) partners – which will focus on helping sustainability and tackling health inequalities.

The funding will be shared across West Yorkshire as part of the Partnership’s Harnessing the Power of Communities Programme and the West Yorkshire Hospice Collaborative.

The VCSE sector has a memorandum of understanding with WY ICB, backed by investment and strong ties into the way the Partnership operates. The additional funding further supports the sector over and above the range of service provision and grant funding arrangements that are in our five Places (Bradford District and Craven, Calderdale, Kirklees, Leeds and Wakefield District). 

We look forward to seeing what this funding can achieve for communities across Wakefield District!

Read more on the WY ICB website and here.

May 11, 2023