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The power of local infrastructure: How a new government can work with NAVCA members

The power of local infrastructure: How a new government can work with NAVCA members

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An important read as we head into the General Election today.

"Local infrastructure can contribute to an incoming government’s ambitions for thriving communities. That is why we are calling on the incoming government to recognise the value of local infrastructure, and to work strategically with NAVCA members to achieve positive outcomes."

In their blog, NAVCA set out their position ahead of the 2024 general election and call for change.

An active voluntary and community sector needs high quality support from local infrastructure organisations. Local infrastructure organisations provide direct support for communities and the VCSE sector through being an embedded presence in a local area. An incoming government can benefit from this knowledge, and we want a new government to work with local infrastructure - like Nova - as an equal strategic partner.

LIOs can help shape and drive an incoming government’s ambitions for thriving communities by:

  • Building strategic relationships and bringing together community knowledge and skills.
  • Developing partnerships with key organisations and enabling collaboration.
  • Acting as a trusted partner, effectively communicating with and representing communities.
  • Building the capacity of VCSE organisations.
  • Supporting early intervention and providing rapid response in crises.
  • Contributing to local economic development through employment and volunteering.

Read about the key changes NAVCA want to see in government policy.

Jul 4, 2024