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New Survey: Are your premises fit for purpose?

New Survey: Are your premises fit for purpose?

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Tell us about your current premises, if it's fit for purpose and if you're looking to move.

We've been speaking to members about their issues with premises and, due to the cost of living crises and changes to VCSE tenancies at the Ridings Shopping Centre, many organisations are facing challenges. 

We last asked you about your premises in September 2022. Now, we want to understand what's changed for your organisation since then, so we can support you and advocate for our sector's needs.

Complete our survey, it will be open until 5pm on Sunday 18 February.

How will we use this information?

We’re working together with Creative Wakefield on this survey so we can understand the wider challenges across the district and across sectors. All responses will be shared with Nova Wakefield District and Wakefield Council to offer multiple avenues of support depending on your organisation and needs.

You’ll see the findings of this survey in a short report on the state of VCSE organisations’ premises in Wakefield District.

Need support now?

Our Advisor Team are here to help if you’re having any issues with your premises or other areas of work. Get in touch at or 01924 367418 (then press 3 to get straight through to an Advisor), or book yourself in for 50 minutes of free, specialist advice at our next Ask Nova session.

Link to survey:

Jan 22, 2024