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Round 14 of Live Well Wakefield Small Grants is OPEN!

Round 14 of Live Well Wakefield Small Grants is OPEN!

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We're pleased to welcome applications for the 14th round of Live Well Wakefield Small Grants.

In the last round, £88,326 was distributed to VCSE organisations to increase social prescribing capacity. Since then, the panel met to discuss the process and subsequently you will notice some additional changes to the application process.

Here are three things you should know:

1. Grants of £300 to £8,000 are available to Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise organisations to meet health and wellbeing related needs. Applications close at 5pm on Friday 14 April 2023.

2. We're holding a Bid Builder Drop-In on Friday 24 March (10am to 2pm at 11 Upper York Street, Wakefield, WF1, 3LQ) where you can discuss any ideas with members of the Live Well Wakefield and Nova Team and avoid some of the common pitfalls we see in grant applications.

3. Grants will be distributed through Wakefield District's Third Sector Framework, so any successful grant applicants will need to be Framework members - don't worry, there's still time to apply to join the Framework.

You can find more information about the grants and download the Application and Guidance documents on the Funding page of our website.

Mar 13, 2023