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Request for content: Supporting our Workforce and Community

Request for content: Supporting our Workforce and Community

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We want to promote the amazing VCSE services available and work you’re doing in Wakefield District that supports our workforce and community.

The next West Yorkshire Health & Care Partnership VCSE Showcase is coming up in January, this time focusing on supporting our workforce and community! Each showcase celebrates the impact on health and wellbeing by the VCSE sector working in partnership with Health and Social Care.

We want to promote the amazing VCSE services available and work you’re doing in Wakefield District that’s helping with:

  • Health Inequalities
  • Winter Warmth / Pressures
  • Suicide Prevention / Mental Health
  • Cost of Living / rising energy bills
  • Stress in the workplace

So we’re looking for: videos, posters, infographics, newsletters, case studies and more!

Please send your content to by 23 December or sooner.

Nov 17, 2022