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Report: Role of Community Organisations In Creating Inclusive Services

Report: Role of Community Organisations In Creating Inclusive Services

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Today, Locality launched its latest report as part of their work on the government’s VCSE Health and Wellbeing Alliance.

Over the last year, supported by the NHS England Healthcare Inequalities Improvement Team, Locality has carried out a research project to understand the role of community organisations in creating inclusive services which meet the needs of communities and help to tackle health inequalities.

The research, carried out through a series of interview and roundtables, shows the valuable contribution of community organisations and the wider VCSE sector. They play an important role in creating inclusive services which are accessible to, appropriate for and available in their local communities. They do this in four particular ways:

  1. Service design and adaptation
  2. Holistic service provision
  3. Giving voice and advocating for marginalised groups
  4. Providing information and gathering insights about their communities.

However, in carrying out these roles, community organisations face significant challenges in the following areas:

  • Information and awareness
  • Structural and systemic barriers
  • Funding and capacity
  • Accessibility and language
  • Trust
  • Leadership and culture

The report includes five case studies showing how community organisations, local authorities and the health system are already working together to ensure that services are inclusive.

Visit the Locality website for the full report and summary document.

Mar 20, 2024