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Payment for Involvement Playbook

Payment for Involvement Playbook

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The Payment for Involvement Playbook has just been published by The Social Change Agency.

"For organisations, charities and funders working across social movements, or looking to make transformative change, people with lived experience of the injustices and broken systems are the bedrock of this change. But the drive for systemic change should not come at the expense of people who are more vulnerable than others and living through trauma. When Funders and institutions are repeatedly asking people to use their lived experience to help achieve their organisational strategic aims, their expertise in their subject matter should be paid for, and discussions about how this can work should be embedded in principles of equity and fairness in a joint endeavour."

The Playbook is a comprehensive guide to everything organisations need to create a fair and equitable payment for involvement policy. Incorporating extensive research, best practice from a learning community of over 170+ organisations, and insights from leading experts including the National Institute for Health and Care Research, Citizens Advice and the Department for Work and Pensions.

The Playbook includes:

  • Guidance on setting up appropriate payment rates for involvement activities.
  • Practical steps for navigating Department for Work and Pensions requirements
  • Transparent options for inclusive payment mechanisms, including guidance on paying individuals without bank accounts.
  • Real-world examples of successful payment policies from other organisations.
  • Essential resources to ensure compliance and mitigate potential risks.

You can download the Playbook here.

Jun 18, 2024