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New Roots Needed for Wakefield Community Gardens

New Roots Needed for Wakefield Community Gardens

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Grow Wakefield need your help to find new locations for two community gardens that are being forced to close.

The Ridings Shopping Centre mini allotments and the Sanctuary Garden run by our member Grow Wakefield have been on the roof of the Ridings shopping centre for almost five years. The two gardens are having to move due to work beginning on the city’s combined library and museum (formerly the British Home Stores building).

They only have until the end of February to find a new home.

Grow Wakefield is a brilliant social enterprise that runs 13 community mini allotment sites throughout Wakefield District that make an huge difference to the lives of many local people. They're an incredible part of our local VCSE sector and we're asking you to consider how you can support them to continue their work in the city centre.

“We had hoped to temporarily suspend our plots in this location and continue once the building works were complete, but we have been told this is not possible. We are disappointed that this is the end of our rooftop operations but wish to remain in the city centre. We are asking the business community and local landowners to contact us if they feel they could offer any secure growing space." - Andy Austerfield, CEO of Grow Wakefield

Grow Wakefield are looking for space - it could be an overgrown area, wasteland or unused space at ground level as long as it is secure and has access for their growers.

“Many of our growers are flat dwellers or have no access to a garden or growing space so the mini allotments are important for their health and wellbeing.”

If any businesses or landowners feel they could help Grow Wakefield by providing a new home for one or both of the community gardens, please contact Andy Austerfield on

The award-winning Ridings mini allotments encourages city dwellers to grow their own fruit and vegetables to benefit their health and wellbeing, while the Sanctuary Garden provides a growing haven for refugees and asylum seekers. It was created in 2022 and has most recently also worked alongside The Prince’s Trust in supporting unemployed young people.

In 2020, the Ridings mini allotments won an environment award from Wakefield Civic Society and the following year it helped earn the Ridings Shopping Centre a Green Apple award in the International Green Apple Environment Awards.

Let's help Grow Wakefield continue this important work.

Jan 19, 2024