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New Funding: Community Grants for Climate Activity

New Funding: Community Grants for Climate Activity

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We’re funding community proposals for greener, cleaner and climate-ready neighbourhoods.

The Mayor of West Yorkshire, West Yorkshire Combined Authority and Wakefield Council are working together on a scheme to provide Community Grants for Climate Activity. We’re thrilled to be distributing these grants through the Third Sector Framework!

Grants of £5,000 to £50,000 are available for Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) organisations in Wakefield District for projects that focus on one of the following priorities:

  • Developing local, clean, and flexible energy solutions, for example solar panels on a community building (max £10,000 for panels, £1250 feasibility), community energy generation for example a feasibility study for a wind turbine.
  • Making community buildings healthy, affordable, and efficient, for example roof insulation in a village hall, window replacements in a church hall.
  • Increasing walking, cycling and the use of public transport, for example a bike refurbishment project.
  • Creating green and climate ready nature solutions by increasing community access to green space and nature, for example by planting a wildflower patch/meadow, creating some raised beds for growing food and flowers.

Need some inspiration? Take a look at the Application Form for some case studies of how the funding could be used but, as always, we encourage you to be creative!

VCSE organisations are central to developing a neighbourhood approach to tackling the climate emergency, by bringing communities together to work towards common goals. This includes everyone, but we know that disadvantaged communities face more barriers to participating in climate-related activities. So projects for this fund must benefit at least one disadvantaged community, defined in this instance as:

  • Top 10% most deprived in the Index of Multiple Deprivation – see Application Form for details; or
  • Relating to protected characteristics (age, disability, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation).

Information Sessions

We’re holding two information sessions where you can learn more about the fund, how to apply and ask any questions. Register your place now by emailing and we'd encourage you to send over any questions you may have in advance.

  1. Thursday 2 November, 12pm-1pm
  2. Tuesday 7 November, 6pm to 7pm

How to Apply

Applications for funding must be submitted no later than Monday 27 November at 12pm noon.

This fund will be distributed through Wakefield District’s Third Sector Framework, a fair, open and transparent way of distributing funding to VCSE organisations across Wakefield District. So to apply for the Community Grants for Climate Activity, you need to:

  1. Complete the funding application form below.
  2. Apply to become a member of the Third Sector Framework, if you are not already one.

If you’d like more information about the process of applying for funding, including FAQs such as when you’ll hear back with the outcome of your application, visit our Applying for Funding page.

Any questions?

Please read through the application documents and attend an information session. We’re happy to help if you have any questions, please get in touch:


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