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Funding Deadline Extended: Placing Communities At The Centre of Grant-Making

Funding Deadline Extended: Placing Communities At The Centre of Grant-Making

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We’re doing things differently for our new funding: giving VCSE organisations the power to decide who and what to fund.

* This fund is now closed to applications *

This helps to make decisions about funding democratic and effective, allocating grants in ways that reflect the needs and priorities of local VCSE organisations.

Participatory Grant Making is very different to the application processes you may be used to and takes place in distinct stages. Scott Copeland, our Contracts & Grants Manager, will talk you through it.

What is the funding for?

Grants of £500 to £10,000 are available to VCSE organisations to support their involvement and active contribution to Building Healthy and Sustainable Communities. This is a programme building on the ‘Big Conversation’ with residents, using workshops and other forms of local engagement to:

  • Improve health and wellbeing;
  • Connect with communities; and
  • Reduce health inequalities.

The Building Healthy and Sustainable Communities programme is working in 10 areas of Wakefield District, however this fund is focused on organisations working in:

  • Delivery Area 1: South Kirkby and Moorthorpe
  • Delivery Area 2: Wakefield City Centre(including Portobello, Agbrigg & Belle Vue)

The funding aims to support organisations to create capacity to:

  • Support the Building Healthy and Sustainable Communities Programme
  • Promote working together
  • Apply for funding that promotes improved health and wellbeing
  • Promote a more inclusive and collaborative way of working together to tackle health inequalities

Find out more about the Building Healthy and Sustainable Communities Fund on our Funding Page. Applications will close at 9am on Monday 2 September (deadline extended from Friday 30 August).

Aug 1, 2024