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National Cyber Security Centre’s Charity Sector Threat Report

National Cyber Security Centre’s Charity Sector Threat Report

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This report has been developed with Boards and trustees in mind, highlighting key threats charities face in 2023 and beyond.

The National Cyber Security Centre’s Charity Sector Threat Report has recently been published. 

This report has been developed with Boards and trustees in mind, highlighting key threats charities face in 2023 and beyond. It reflects the ongoing threat to the sector as more charities run services and fundraising online and highlights how the sector is particularly attractive to attackers seeking financial gain.

It provides case studies showing how disruptive and costly incidents can be, it also warns about the threat from cyber criminals taking advantage of public generosity during times of hardship by masquerading as charities to receive donations. 

NCSC hopes this report will help empower charities to understand the cyber risks relevant to them, and how to mitigate those risks.

Thank you to NAVCA for sharing this update.

Feb 2, 2023