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Member Spotlight: Theatre Royal Wakefield

Member Spotlight: Theatre Royal Wakefield

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Each month we'll be showcasing the amazing organisations that make up our membership and the important work they do across the Wakefield District. We hope that you enjoy learning more about....

Theatre Royal Wakefield

Brief description of your organisation

Theatre Royal Wakefield is a traditional Victorian theatre in the heart of Wakefield. We have shows for families, for fans of music, drama, comedy and more. Our stage is usually occupied 265 days of the year and some of the work is made by us, right here in Wakefield (like our hugely popular pantomime). The rest we hand pick from the best that the UK has to offer. Theatre Royal Wakefield is for everyone, that’s why we are also proud to present work from our local community, amateur societies and groups on our stages. Not only that but we take our productions around the UK too, spreading the Wakefield name far and wide!

Theatre Royal Wakefield have been a Nova member since July 2016 - over 5 years!

What is your organisation’svision for Wakefield District?

Theatre Royal Wakefield exists to develop new creative opportunities and experiences in our theatre building, throughout the wider community and on tour, encouraging high quality engagement in the Performing Arts. As well as a vibrant and varied programme of produced and touring work, we run a busy Learning and Participation programme. We regularly work with young people, socially isolated older people, refugees and asylum seekers and adults working to improve their mental wellbeing.

What project are you working on that you’re most proud of?

Chime is our musical theatre training for learning-disabled young people aged 14 - 25. We hold taster sessions, regular weekly training and skills-focused holiday programmes.

Sessions run in our fully accessible Walker Studio and recently our participants had the opportunity to perform in front of a live audience on the main Matcham Auditorium stage.

Any project, volunteer or staff member that you’d like to highlight?

We’re proud to be a Theatre of Sanctuary, which acknowledges Theatre Royal Wakefield as a place of safety, welcome and support for refugees and asylum seekers. Every Thursday evening we have a Conversation Café and confidence boosting workshops for migrants, refugees and asylum seekers. These are an opportunity to make new friends, as well as meeting theatre staff there is the opportunity to meet and chat with our friendly team of volunteers.

Fun fact about your organisation

Our prompt corner (the bit where the stage manager sits with headphones, telling people what to do) is actually on the wrong side. In most theatres it is stage left, but ours is stage right (which is also the case for the Royal Opera House in London)!

What do you like about being a Nova member?

We like the community it brings and the support we can access. Its great to be part of the community sector in Wakefield.

How can local organisations and the public support you?

Not everyone knows it, but we are a charity and don’t receive any regular public funding, so we rely on the generous support of the public and businesses in the Wakefield district. There are a number of ways to support us either by making a donation, joining our membership scheme or becoming a corporate partner.

If people would like to get involved, how do they contact you?

There is lots of information on our website about our shows and ways you can take part: You can also contact us on 01924 215531 or by email -

Thank you to Theatre Royal Wakefield for getting involved!

Apr 20, 2022

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