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Member Spotlight: Mindful Movers

Member Spotlight: Mindful Movers

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Each month we'll be showcasing the amazing organisations that make up our membership and the important work they do across the Wakefield District. We hope that you enjoy learning more about....

Mindful Movers

We are a tribe of people from all walks of life who enjoy being outside in green space. We move more together, walking, jogging, running, doing sports and alternative activities such as circuits, orienteering and bushcraft. All the activities are optional and there is never any pressure to participate. We provide support and motivation for each other as we gain positive mental and physical wellbeing benefits from our weekly sessions.

We meet every Friday in Thornes Park at 9:50am ready for a 10am start, sessions usually last around an hour until 11am. We meet at the fallen tree trunks in the carparkopposite Thornes Park Stadium. Sessions are free and cater for all ability levels.

Our monthly Mindful Movers On Tour sessions offer chance to take the group to new venues and experience new activities away from Thornes Park and venturing at times outside the District.

Mindful Movers have been a Nova member since August 2021!

Caption: pictured above are the Mindful Movers group in a green space with some purple flowers behind them.

What is your organisation’s vision for Wakefield District?

We offer a safe, friendly,inclusive, and welcoming peer led space for the people of Wakefield. Our visionis to add to the CORE walk and talk offer with opportunities open for anyoneexperiencing emotional wellbeing difficulties. We are currently applying forfunding to develop our wider offer.

Moving forward can be challengingafter experiencing wellbeing difficulties, supported opportunities can bedifficult to access especially those delivered by people with lived experiencethemselves. Mindful Movers aims to offer a full programme to support ourparticipants at all stages of their personal journey. Links with WakefieldRecovery & Wellbeing College as one of their community partners and stafffrom Wakefield (West) Community Mental Health Team have been fantastic and arepartnerships we are keen to continue developing.

What project are you working on that you’re most proud of?

Our TRIBE programme will focus on personal development and progression using nature as a vehicle of self-exploration, this will be delivered by 2 qualified Wilderness Therapy practitioners using green space venues in the district.

We also are looking to develop an accredited qualifications programme to offer a gentle introduction to education and employment. Qualifications on offer will develop practical transferable skill such as leadership, teamwork, communication, problem solving and build confidence. This programme will offer supported progression opportunities for participants to use their qualifications as a volunteer leader with Mindful Movers, with opportunity to work towards paid sessional employment as a peer tutor.

Any project, volunteer or staff member that you’d like to highlight?

Our three new volunteer leaders Bill, Susie and Kelly have been amazing. Between them they have completed their Walk Leader training with Wakefield council, have completed the first stage of their Lowland Walk Leader qualification, all 3 have undertaken their Mental Health First Aid training and 2 are about to take an emergency first aid course. They are the future of Mindful Movers and we are super excited to have them on the leader team.

Fun fact about your organisation

Last year we made Pizza’s on BBQ’s in Thornes Park after our walk & talk as one of our group social activities. They were rustic, but delicious!

Caption: pictured above is Rachel from Mindful Movers rolling out pizza dough and the group standing underneath some trees.

How can local organisations and the public support you?

You can support us by signposting anyone who may benefit from our group to us. They will be most welcome.

If any larger organisations or businesses would like to support us financially, we are looking to purchase Mindful Movers t-shirts and jackets for all our regular attendees, so they have suitable clothing for our sessions and to help enhance the sense of belonging and pride within the group. We purchased some t-shirts and jackets prior / during lockdown which members wear weekly, due to increased participant numbers we have now run out of stock.

If people would like to get involved, how do they contact you?

Check out our website Email: Facebook: @MMrunwalktalk. Phone: 07742 428216.

Thank you to Mindful Movers for getting involved!

Mar 16, 2022

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