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Member Spotlight: Families and Babies

Member Spotlight: Families and Babies

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Each month we'll be showcasing the amazing organisations that make up our membership and the important work they do across the Wakefield District. We hope you enjoy hearing from Families and Babies!

Families and Babies (FAB) form an important part of new families' support network. They provide breastfeeding support in Wakefield District, alongside social, emotional and physical support for families.

We discussed the impact of this important work with Emma Krasinska, who told us her own story of going from service user to Branch Manager at FAB Wakefield after being inspired to give back. Emma tells us about the local connections FAB have made (as part of a national charity), supporting families through the cost of living crises, the vital role of volunteers and more.

Thank you to FAB for getting involved. Learn more about FAB and find their contact details on their website:

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Feb 20, 2023