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Join the Wakefield Mental Health Alliance Dashboard

Join the Wakefield Mental Health Alliance Dashboard

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The Wakefield Mental Health Alliance is developing a dashboard to give oversight of mental health service activity across Wakefield and District.

While the dashboard initially focused on NHS and statutory services, they would like to see the work done by the VCSE sector included too. This will help them to understand the demand for mental health support, gaps in service provision as well as promoting the work being done by the many smaller but important services.

If you are interested in contributing to this dashboard please download a copy of the template and submit your information during the first week of each month. The Alliance are also asking organisation to share a sentence on their offer and a second sentence on their current capacity and if they have space for referrals or how long their waiting lists are. If you have any questions or to share your data please contact

Not all part of the dashboard need to be completed if you do not collect that data. If you have data in a different format and do not have the capacity to report it in the form of this template then please get in touch and support may be available.

Mar 9, 2023