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Innovative Entrepreneurs Programme: Do you have a new idea?

Innovative Entrepreneurs Programme: Do you have a new idea?

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Innovative Entrepreneurs, an offering from Enterprise West Yorkshire, could help you to turn your idea into a reality through a 9 month programme of support.

The programme aims to provide the support to transform your ideas into high impact, profitable businesses which can create positive impact in the region and beyond. The 9 month programme will support you to:

  • Develop a roadmap to launch / grow your idea
  • Develop a personal brand and entrepreneurial skill set
  • Understand the investment landscape and build a bespoke investment plan
  • Connect with a network of support within the region and beyond

If you are solution focused, comfortable with taking risks and motivated to design, develop and speak about your idea until it becomes a reality then we want to hear from you! 

No business experience is needed; just a new idea and a passion for solving problems.

Apply now

If you would like to apply, please head to the website to register your interest now.

Aug 10, 2023