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How can we make volunteering more inclusive for disabled people?

How can we make volunteering more inclusive for disabled people?

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This National Inclusion Week, NCVO's shares some top tips on how charities and voluntary organisations can make it easier for disabled people to volunteer.

Volunteering carries huge benefits for those who take part. It can give individuals the chance to contribute to their community and make a difference to the causes that are meaningful to them. In NCVO's Time Well Spent research, 75% of respondents reported that volunteering directly improved their mental health and wellbeing.

But not everyone is able to participate equally. We know that disabled people have a different experience of volunteering to non-disabled people.

On average they report lower levels of satisfaction and significant barriers. These include practical barriers, as well as cultural and attitudinal barriers. Barriers come from the public, organisations, paid staff, and other volunteers.

So, how can your organisation make volunteering inclusive for disabled people? Read NCVO's top tips.

Sep 27, 2023