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Here's our tried-and-tested wellbeing activity for VCSE (and other) teams!

Here's our tried-and-tested wellbeing activity for VCSE (and other) teams!

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Thinking about our wellbeing is a ongoing process. Our Mental Health Community Builder, Rachel, writes about the staff wellbeing session she ran for the Nova team last month - could your team do something similar?

We are finally emerging from Winter and Spring is in the air with lot’s of signs from mother nature around us that the seasons are changing.

The 5 Ways to Wellbeing can provide a simple structure to help boost our mental health and we used this to structure our Nova staff wellbeing session in January. You could do something similar, take a hour or two to focus and enjoy some green space.

Description: An image showing the Five Ways to Wellbeing.

Here’s what we did:


As a team we walked around Thornes Park, whilst we walked, we chatted with each other, caught up and connected. Nothing was forced we just walked and talked.

Take Notice

As we moved around the varied areas of the park, we were encouraged to take notice of the signs of Spring around us. The colourful crocuses, snow drops, buds on the trees, the birds singing in the trees around us. We also sat in the rose garden and completed a simple grounding and breathing activity. A super way to reset, take a moment to centre yourself and bring down any feelings or worry or anxiety.

Spread one of your hands so the fingers are wide, using the pointer finger on the other hand gently trace from the base of your thumb up to the thumb tip whilst inhaling through your nose. As you trace down the other side of the thumb breathe out through your mouth slowly. Then trace up the next finger as you inhale, once you reach the fingertip pause then trace down the finger slowly exhaling. Continue this until you have traced all 5 digits. You can then start again or leave it there.

Use the tracing finger as an anchor so if your mind drifts gently bring your attention back to the feeling of your finger tracing the path up and down your fingers.

Next time you are out and about why not look around, notice the little things, the sights, sounds and smells.

Description: Some of the Nova team stood beside the pond with a lovely swan floating nearby.

Keep Learning

During our walk one of the team shared information with us about the resident swans and their cygnets, the 2 terrapins that call Thornes Park pond their home, the fig trees growing in the rose garden and the large poisonous Yew tree in the park. We also tried a new activity using clay and natural materials we found around us to make our own clay creature after hearing an origin story about Mama Africa.

Finding out information about local places or seeking out opportunities to learn and try new things is a great adventure to include in your wellbeing tool kit.

Description: Some of our clay creations back at the Nova office. We hear that a few others are still taking up residence in the secret garden at Thornes Park!

Be Active

Without realising it we walked around 2.5 miles as a team as we explored the park and completed activities. Moving more in what ever shape or form that takes for you is a great way to boost wellbeing.


During the session we all gave each other our time, we were present in the session and during our walk and talk. Giving doesn’t mean physical things, it can be kind words, a smile. Sometimes those smaller things can be the most powerful.


Mar 16, 2023