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Get Paid to Advocate for Our Sector

Get Paid to Advocate for Our Sector

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We need your help to advocate for our sector. Opportunities closing on Wednesday 4 October.

In your role, you see how decisions affect our local communities.

We want to give you the opportunity to be part of these decisions, using your understanding of the needs and views of communities to make positive change.

We have 5 opportunities available as part of VCSE Voices. This project sees members of the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise sector, VCSE Advocates, attend strategic, decision-making meetings across Wakefield District.

There are already 20 VCSE Advocates taking part in important discussions. Now's your chance to join them!

What's in it for you?

We've got 6 quick reasons why you should get involved...

  1. We reimburse your organisation for your time and expertise at £21.50 an hour.
  2. These roles are open to anyone working or volunteering in the VCSE sector.
  3. Access exclusive free training workshops and direct support from our team.
  4. Unique opportunity to develop your advocacy experience and take action.
  5. Chance to widen your network and create new professional relationships.
  6. It's quick and easy to apply, read more below.

What's on offer?

Here's a quick summary of the roles we're recruiting for so you can see if they'd be a good fit for your skills, experience and capacity...

1. Safeguarding Children Partnership Executive

  • Purpose: to provide strategic oversight to ensure high quality safeguarding practice is in place across the district for children and young people.
  • Advocate will have: considerable experience and practical knowledge of safeguarding children, with experience working within a VCSE organisation which supports children at risk.
  • Meets: 8 times per year for 2 hour meetings

2. Not in Education, Employment or Training Strategic Board

  • Purpose: to ensure that vulnerable children and young people have access to appropriate and high-quality services which help them progress successfully on their chosen pathway.
  • Advocate will have: experience supporting vulnerable children and young people who may be, or at risk of being, not in education, employment or training. Nuanced understanding of the varied reasons and contributing factors that may result in this and experience of co-creating support projects.
  • Meets: every 6 weeks for 2 hour meetings

3. Combatting Drugs Partnership

  • Purpose: is responsible for overseeing and delivering a joint strategic approach which aligns with the priorities of the National Combating Drugs Outcome Framework, such as breaking supply chains and shifting demand for drugs.
  • Advocate will have: experience in reducing drug and alcohol-related harm and strong knowledge of how drugs and alcohol are causing harm locally.
  • Meets: every 6 weeks

4. Employment & Skills Steering Group

  • Purpose: to oversee the implementation of the Employment & Skills strategy – a plan to ensure that Wakefield district is a place where people have access to life-long training, learning and development opportunities.
  • Advocate will have: practical knowledge of challenges in this sector and a working knowledge of provisions in the district which offer life-long learning and skills-building opportunities.
  • Meets: quarterly

5. Wakefield District Strategic Hate Crime Group

  • Purpose: responsible for developing, monitoring and overseeing Wakefield’s Hate Crime Action Plan which sets out the approach to tackling hate crime.
  • Advocate will have: experience at a community organisation that supports people affected by hate crime, such as supporting victims, perpetrators, or both. Working knowledge of effective techniques to challenge prejudice and an understanding of the distinct types of hate crime that exist in the district.
  • Meets: quarterly

So, how do you apply?

Read the role profile and simply send a short statement explaining why you want to be an Advocate and what skills/knowledge you'll bring. Send it over to by 12pm on Wednesday 4 October.

All applicants will be invited to attend an informal group interview in mid October 2023 with a view to the successful Advocates starting their roles shortly after.

We hope to hear from you soon!

Sep 25, 2023