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Friends of Friarwood Valley Garden’s 10th Anniversary!

Friends of Friarwood Valley Garden’s 10th Anniversary!

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Our member Friends of Friarwood Valley Gardens celebrated their 10th anniversary in May.

Friends of Friarwood Valley Gardens are a voluntary community group formed with the aim of restoring the Gardens to its former glory. The Gardens opened in May 1951 with flower beds, a rose garden, aviary, paddling pool and outdoor stage.

Due to lack of investment in green spaces, the Gardens were in bad shape by 2012. Thanks to Friends of Friarwood Valley Gardens, the past 10 years have seen great improvements to the Gardens including replacing benches, installing a playground and completely replanting 31 beds of the rose garden! They have also reintroduced events at the Gardens including Liquorice Festival and the Friarwood Festival. All this amazing work was done by a small group of volunteers.

Below are pictures of the Gardens – past and present.

If you’d like to get involved, you can email

Jun 5, 2022