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Free support from expert economists now available

Free support from expert economists now available

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Pro Bono Economics (PBE) is a charity which can provide other charities, voluntary organisations and community groups with quick, easy, probono support from a dedicated volunteer economist to help with ad hoc data needs.

Are you struggling to make your volunteer spreadsheet do what you want it to? Do you know you have great data but not sure how to make it visually appealing or tell the right story for your supporters or your board? Need an expert to compare your data to other sources, or analyse a survey of your beneficiaries?

Pro Bono Economics can help with your ad hoc data needs. That might include data analysis or visualisation, spreadsheet tasks or short pieces of research and analysis.

PBE have availability to help right now. Tell them what you need on their website so they can match you with the right expert.

Mar 7, 2024