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Contribute to Research into the Impact of Childhood Trauma

Contribute to Research into the Impact of Childhood Trauma

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The research seeks to shed light on the potential long-term consequences of these lived experiences.

The West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership is working with the University of Leeds to carry out a research project to explore the impact of childhood trauma and adversity on life trajectories, compounded by experiences with the criminal justice system and policing.

If you work directly with young people aged 18 -25 and can support this work to help engage with young people who have lived experiences in a safe and trauma-informed way the team would like to hear from you.

The research seeks to shed light on the potential long-term consequences of these lived experiences, intending to inform policies and practices that better support young people who have experienced adversity. To ensure that the research is as impactful as possible, the team would like to speak with organisations working with young people, community group leaders, youth workers, youth club organisers, and others who are engaged with young people from a variety of socioeconomic backgrounds and ethnic groups in West Yorkshire.

Please share across your networks and if you might be able to help, please contact Sat Kartar Kaur Chandan at

Jul 10, 2024