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4 Articles That Will Improve Your Comms

4 Articles That Will Improve Your Comms

Alice Edinburgh

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Here's a selection of articles that will help you review your comms - from writing emails to social media.

1. How to write engaging charity emails in 5 easy steps from Engaging Networks

We all know that social media is great for brand awareness and reach, but did you know that engagement with email is much stronger? The M+R 2021 UK benchmarks report found that charities had an average engagement score of 0.35% for Facebook posts and 2.2% for Tweets, yet the average email open rate for charities was 29%. So isn’t it time to start investing in email marketing?

2. How to find people to tell your charity's stories from Charity Comms

Unless you’ve been on a serious digital detox for the past few years, you’ll have probably heard a fair amount about storytelling in the world of charity communications. You’ll know that personal stories are one of the most effective ways to convey why your charity exists and the impact it has on people’s lives. But before you can tap into the power of stories, you’ll need to find people willing to share theirs with you. Here are some ideas for where to find them – both inside and outside your charity.

3. Are you failing to prioritise your calls to action from Nonprofit Marketing Guide

The #1 question to ask yourself in order to get your messaging right is: What’s my call to action?

4. How to get your charity’s social media channels working harder for you from Charity Comms

Keeping up with social media channels and algorithm changes etc. can be hard. But there are easy ways to make even more of what you are putting out there. Might you be missing a trick with your charity’s social media? Lots of charities are.

Mar 30, 2023