Funding is available for UK charities working in the Swire Charitable Trust's three core funding areas of: Opportunity, Environment, and Heritage.
Charities can also apply for support if they are providing a critical response to the COVID-19 crisis or are facing severe short-term funding pressures as a result of this.
Grants can be awarded on a restricted or unrestricted basis and the Trust is willing support core costs, capital expenditures and salaries.
The Trust runs a rolling programme with regular grant making meetings, so there are no deadlines. Once an application has been submitted it will be assigned to the next available meeting. Applicants can expect to receive an outcome within two to three months of submission.
This fund will focus on supporting user-led LGBT+ organisations based in England, who are working with targeted under-represented and under-resourced communities.
The Scheme provides funding to communities looking to commemorate, celebrate and educate about the Windrush generation and their contribution.
The Booster Fund supports new and existing community businesses in England that are at all stages of a community share issue.