Opportunity, Environment & Heritage Funding

Opportunity, Environment & Heritage Funding

Swire Charitable Trust

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Funding Available:

Funding Information

Funding is available for UK charities working in the Swire Charitable Trust's three core funding areas of: Opportunity, Environment, and Heritage.

Charities can also apply for support if they are providing a critical response to the COVID-19 crisis or are facing severe short-term funding pressures as a result of this.

Grants can be awarded on a restricted or unrestricted basis and the Trust is willing support core costs, capital expenditures and salaries.

The Trust runs a rolling programme with regular grant making meetings, so there are no deadlines. Once an application has been submitted it will be assigned to the next available meeting. Applicants can expect to receive an outcome within two to three months of submission.

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Up to £10,000
Up to £10,000

Live Well Wakefield Small Grants: Round 16

VCSE organisations working in Wakefield District are invited to apply for grants up to £10,000 to fund provision around low level mental health support for working age adults.

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£500 to £1,000
£500 to £1,000

Asda Foundation Young Futures Fund

Asda Foundation recognises the importance of supporting young people, with a particular focus on their mental health and wellbeing. This year, the Foundation are providing grants to support their development.

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Up to £5,000
Up to £5,000

Help the Homeless Grant Scheme

Grants for capital projects are available to small and medium-sized charities working to assist homeless people to rebuild their lives and return to the community.